Улс орнууд Хятадаас сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн импортлохыг хориглосоор байна
Нийтэлсэн: 2008-09-23 14:56:57 , Мэдээний дугаар: #1136863
Өвчин үүсгэгч химийн хорт бодис меламин сvvн бvтээгдэхvvнээс илэрсэнтэй холбоотойгоор Хятадад үйлдвэрлэсэн хүүхдийн тэжээл болон бусад сүүн бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг импортлохыг Азийн хэд хэдэн орон хориглоод байна. Одоогийн байдлаар меламины найрлагатай бүтээгдэхүүн хэрэглэсний улмаас Хятадад 50,000 орчим нярай хүүхэд өвчлөөд байгаа юм. Тайваны Нийгмийн эрүүл мэндийн яамнаас Хятадаас сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн импортлохыг бүрмөсөн хориглоно гэж мэдэгдсэн байна. Яамнаас мэдээлснээр бол 2007 оны 12 сард импортоор орж ирсэн Хятадын Шаньдунь мужийн нэгэн компаний эрдэнэшишийн найрлагатай сүүтэй кофе зэрэг хэд хэдэн бүтээгдэхүүнээс меламин бодис илэрсэн юм. Сингапур, Малайз улсууд мөн Тайваны нэгэн адил арга хэмжээ авч Хятадаас сүү, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн импортлохыг зогсоосон байна. Одоогоор Хятадад үйлдвэрлэсэн бүх сүүн болон гурилан бүтээгдэхүүн, сvv оролцсон амттанд шинжилгээ хийж эхлээд байна.
Сангийн сайд С.Баярцогт: Зардлыг царцаах бодлого баримтална
Нийтэлсэн: 2008-09-23 12:50:55 , Мэдээний дугаар: #1136854
Энэ онд инфляц 34 хувьд хvрэхэд гадаад зах зээлийн нєхцєл нєлєєлсєн ч багагvй хэсгийг нь тєсвийн vрэлгэн зарлага эзэлж буй.
Тєсєвт тодотгол хийж, зардлыг танах тєслийг Сангийн яамнаас гаргасан. Засгийн газрын хуралдаанаар тєслийг єчигдєр авч хэлэлцэж ирэх лхагва гаригт эцсийн байдлаар ярилцахаар болов. Энэ оны тєсвийн орлого алт, зэсийн дэлхийн зах зээл дээрх vнэ, дотоодын ажил, vйлчилгээ, газрын тосны экспорт, импортын хэмжээ єссєн зэргээр 210.3 тэрбум тєгрєгєєр нэмэгджээ. Нєгєє талаас татварын буцаан олголт нэмэгдэж, дотоодын зарим бvтээгдэхvvний татвар багассанаас орлого 204.5 тэрбум тєгрєгєєр хасагдах хандлагатай байна. Урсгал зарлага 124 тэрбумаар нэмэгджээ. Гvйцэтгэл, биелэлтийн хувьд хэрэгжихгvй арга хэмжээний зардлыг бууруулахад 41 тэрбум тєгрєг мєн танах тооцоог Сангийн яамныхан гаргасан байна.
Эхний найман сарын гvйцэтгэлийг vндэслэн энэ онд хэрэгжих боломжгvй хєрєнгє оруулалтыг дараа онд шилжvvлснээр 147.5 тэрбум тєгрєгийн хасахаар тєсєлд тусгажээ. Сангийн сайд С.Баярцогтоос зарим зvйлийг тодруулав.
-Тєсвийн орлого, зарлагын биелэлт ямар байна?
-Энэ оны тєсєвт Тавантолгой, Оюутолгойгоос орох ёстой байсан 90,3 тэрбум тєгрєг тэр чигээрээ орж ирээгvй. Бас “Алтандорнод Монгол” компанийн гэнэтийн ашгийн албан татварын 26,5 тэрбум тєгрєг орох боломжгvй болсон зэргээр тооцоолоогvйгээр орлого буурсан.
-Ирэх орны тєсвийг батлах цаг ойртож байна. Яамнаас ямар чиг баримтлах вэ?
-Сvvлийн гурван жил нийгэм, эдийн засгийн байдал нааштай байснаас тєсвийн зарлага ихээр єссєн. Vvнтэй зэрэгцээд жилийн инфляц 34 хувьд хvрлээ. Инфляцийн єсєлтийн 30-40 хувь нь гадаадаас хамааралтай. 60-70 хувь нь захиргааны зардал єссєнєєс болжээ. Энэ бvхэнтэй уялдуулан хатуу бодлоготой тєсвийн тєсєл оруулна. Захиргааны зардлыг одоо байгаа хэмжээнд нь царцаах, тєрийн албан хаагчдын тоо, цалинг нэмэхгvй байхад анхаарна.
-Танай яамнаас хєрєнгє оруулалтын зардлыг 85 тэрбумаар танах санал гаргасан. Инфляцийг бууруулах хангалттай хэмжээ мєн гэж та vзэж байна уу?
-Улсын тєсвєєс 350 орчим, Монгол Улсын хєгжvvлэх сангаас 200 гаруй тэрбум тєгрєгийн хєрєнгє оруулалт тусгагдсан. Бид улсын тєсвєєс орж байгаа хєрєнгє оруулалтыг багасгаж, Монгол Улсын хєгжvvлэх сангийн хєрєнгєд суурилан ажиллана.
-Яагаад заавал хєрєнгє оруулалтын зардлыг бууруулахаар болсон юм бэ. Єєр зардал байж болоогvй юмуу?
-Энэ онд зураг тєсєл нь хийгдээгvй, тендер нь зарлагдаагvй хєрєнгє оруулалтууд байгаа учраас ингэж шийдсэн. Эдгээрийг ирэх оны тєсєвт vргэлжлvvлнэ гэж vзэж байна. Ойролцоогоор 220 обьект багтсан.
-Єнгєрсєн долоо хоногт дэлхийн зах зээл дээр тонн зэсийн vнэ 6780 ам.доллар болтлоо буурлаа. Манай улс тєсвєє тєлєвлєхдєє тонн зэсийг 6800 “ногоон” байхаар тусгасан. Эндээс харахад тєсєв эрсдэлд ойрхон байх шиг?
-Энэ оны тєсєвт зэсийн vнийг 6800 ам.доллараар бодсон нь их vндэслэлтэй тоо гэдэг нь харагдаж байна. Бид одоо тєсвийн тодотголд тонн зэсийг 6500 ам.доллараар авч байгаа. Тэгэхээр боломжийн хэмжээ гэж vзэж байна.
-Яагаад 6500 ам.доллараар гэж?
-Эхний найман сарын гvйцэтгэлээс vзвэл зэсийн vнэ 8100 ам.доллар байна. Ирэх 2-3 сард 6700 ам.доллар болтлоо буурна гэж vзвэл дундаж vнэ 7500 ам.доллар гэж гарах бололцоотой. Энэ бол бодитой тооцоо. Дэлхийн томоохон банкууд, байгууллагуудын судалгааны дvнгээс vзэхэд 4-6 сарын зэсийн vнийн дундаж нь ойролцоогоор 7500 ам.доллар байна. Алтны vнэ єсєх хандлагатай байгаа шvv дээ.
-Монгол Улсыг хєгжvvлэх сангийн гуравны нэг буюу эрсдлийн санд 200 гаруй тэрбум тєгрєг байна. Эрсдлээс хамгаалахад хангалттай юу?
-Эрсдлээс хамгаалах сан 2006 онд гэнэтийн ашгийн албан татвар авч эхэлснээс хойш хэрэгжиж, бий болсон. Єнгєрсєн хоёр жилийн хугацаанд чамлахааргvй мєнгє хуримтлуулсан. Энэ мєнгє бидний экспортолдог зэс, алтны vнийн єсєлтєєс их хамааралтай. Тиймээс эрсдлээс хамгаалахад хангалттай гэж хэлэхэд хэцvv байна.
-Зэсийн vнэ цаашид “царцах” нь гэж эдийн засагчид тааварлаж байгаа. Тэгэхээр “Эх орны хишиг” болон “Эрдэнийн хувь”-ийг тараах боломжгvй юм биш vv?
-Хvн бvрт нэг сая тєгрєг олгоно гэвэл хоёр манай тєсєвтэй тэнцvv мєнгє гарна. 1,5 сая тєгрєг бvх хvнд олгоно гэвэл 4,5 их наяд тєгрєг болохоор байгаа. Ийм их хэмжээний мєнгийг бэлнээр тараавал инфляц хэдэн мянга дахин єсєх магадлалтай. Тиймээс бэлэн бусаар тараах уу гээд аргачлалын хувьд маш єргєн хvрээтэй. Манай худалдааны гол тvнш Хятадын эдийн засаг тогтвортой байна. Тэр бvv хэл Тєвбанк нь бодлогын хvvг буурууллаа. Тэгэхээр дэлхийн эдийн засгийн хямралд бага єртєх боломж бидэнд бий шvv дээ.
-Ирэх оны тєсвийн хєрєнгє оруулалт энэ жилийнхээс єсєх vv?
-Зардлыг царцаах бодлого баримтална.
-Та хэдий хэмжээний хєрєнгєтэй Сангийн яамыг хvлээж авав?
-Ч.Улаан сайд надад 547 тэрбум тєгрєгийн хєрєнгийн тооцоог єгсєн.
Дугаар 228/2988/
2008-09-22 13:58:02
Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) plans to boost investment in Mongolia by almost 50 percent this year, in industries ranging from retail to mining. The bank will increase spending here to US $70 million this year, and forecasts another increase to US $140 million in 2009. John Chomel-Doe, the bank's director for Mongolia, said during the Euromoney Mongolia Investment Forum last week in Ulaanbaatar, "This is a good demonstration of the potential Mongolia has for private-sector investments."
EBRD is an institution owned by 61 countries, including the U.K., Germany, Australia and Mongolia, and two intergovernmental institutions, the European Community and the European Investment Bank. It started investing in Mongolia last year, with over US $40 million, and has to date invested in businesses that include a supermarket chain, a bank, a drilling company, a coal mine and a fruit-juice producer, Chomel-Doe said, declining to identify the companies.
Mongolia's "growth sectors" include retail distribution, beverages, real estate, tourism, textiles and mining. Cement, renewable energy and financial industries are also likely to generate high growth, he said, adding that "many of them are in our pipeline". The bank is seeking increasing investment in Mongolia because the nation has an active democracy, he said. Other positive factors include a fully privatized banking sector, "one of the best tax regimes for business and individuals", a free press and a private sector that accounts for 80 percent of the country's economy.
Туул голын бохирдлоос болж єнгєрсєн жил 3.2 тонн загас vхжээ
Нийтэлсэн: 2008-09-23 12:34:15 , Мэдээний дугаар: #1136849
Хан-Уул дvvргийн нэгдvгээр хорооны нутаг дэвсгэр, Богдхан уулын тусгай хамгаалалттай, Чандмань амны орчим Туул голд хятад иргэд алт угааж байхад нь єнгєрсєн бямба гаригт илрvvлэн харъяа дvvргийн цагдаагийн хэлтэст хvлээлгэн єгсєн.
Хэрэг ямар шатанд явж байгаа талаар тус дvvргийн Цагдаагийн хэлтсийн ахлах мєрдєн байцаагч, ахмад Д.Хєхєєгєєс тодрууллаа.
-Туул голд алт угаасан хэргээр хэчнээн хvнийг байцаан шалгаж байна вэ?
-Долоон хvн саатуулсан. Тэднээс хорихыг нь хориод бvгдийг нь ашигт малтмалын журам зєрчсєн гэсэн зvйл ангиар эрvvгийн хэрэг vvсгээд шалгаж байна.
-Энэ хvмvvс бvгдээрээ “Jamp krown” компанийн ажилчид уу. Хэдэн монгол байсан бэ?
-Ганц хоёр нь л тэндэхийн ажилчин. Бусад нь урдаас ирсэн хєрєнгє оруулагчид гэсэн. Орчуулагч нь гээд нэг монгол байсан.
-Та нарыг газар дээр нь очиход байдал ямар байсан бэ. Хэргийн эцсийн дvгнэлт хэзээ гарах бол?
-Газар дээр нь очоогvй болохоор мэдэхгvй. Єнєєдєр хавтаст хэрэгтэй нь танилцаж байна. Долоо хоногийн дараа дvгнэлт нь гарна даа. Хэрэв мєнгєн ус хэрэглэсэн байвал асуудал vvснэ. Харин хэрэглээгvй бол дараагийн єєр асуудал яригдана. Шороо, уснаас дээж аваад шинжилгээнд єгчихсєн байгаа. Хариу нь гарахад мєнгєн ус хэрэглэсэн vгvй нь мэдэгдэнэ.
Ганц энэ ч биш єнгєрсєн оны зургадугаар сарын 18-нд нийслэлийн Хан-Уул дvvргийн 13 дугаар хороо, Биокомбинат дахь 120 дугаар ангийн ард Туул голд чебак, цурхай, алган, гутаарь, цулбуурт зэвэг зэрэг таван тєрлийн загас vхсэн. Мєн Тєв аймгийн Алтанбулаг сумын нутаг Тавантолгойн гvvр орчим, Салхитын гацаа зэрэг хоёр газраас усны дээж болон таван загас авчирчээ. Уснаас арьс шир боловсруулахад ялгардаг байсан vнэр vнэртэж байсан аж. Загас голынхоо хоёр талаар томоосоо жижиг хvртлээ голын сайран дээр ил гарч муудаж, ємхийрсєн янзтай байж. Голын дагуухь 10 цэгээс сорьц авахад голын усны бохирдол, усанд байх химийн бодисын хэмжээ хэтэрсэн, хvчилтєрєгчийн дутагдлаас болсон гэж мэргэжилтнvvд vзэж байсан. Тєв цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн хуримтлагдсан бохир усны лагын байршлыг тогтоосон мєртлєє цэвэрлэх ажил хийгээгvйгээс Туул голын ус багассан vед бохирдолт нэмэгдэх шалтгаан болжээ. Хоёрдугаарт, нян судлалын шинжилгээгээр vхсэн загаснаас эмгэг тєрєгч нян илэрчээ. Улсын мал эмнэлэг, ариун цэврийн тєв лабораторийн шинжилгээгээр гоц халдварт євчин илрээгvй, бактерлогийн шинжилгээгээр хvчилтєрєгчийн дутагдлаас болж vхсэн гэсэн байна. Нийт 3,2 тонн загасыг мал эмнэлгийн мэргэжилтний заавраар мэргэжлийн хяналтын улсын байцаагчдын хяналтан дор 3,2 тонн загас устгасан билээ.
Харин энэ он гарсаар Баянзvрх товчооны гvvр орчимд Туул голын салаанд гуравдугаар сарын 10-нд, мєн Хан-Уул дvvргийн нутаг дэвсгэр, Богдхан уулын “Чандмань” амны ойролцоох Туул голд дєрєвдvгээр сарын 12-нд олон загас, жараахай vхсэн юм. Туул голд ямар шалтгаанаар загас vй олноороо vхээд байгаа талаар Нийслэлийн мэргэжлийн хяналтын газрынхан “Туулын салааны ус, загас химийн ямар нэгэн бодист хордоогvй, харин усан дахь хvчилтєрєгчийн хомсдлоос болж vхсэн” гэсэн дvгнэлтийг гаргажээ. Онцгой байдлын ерєнхий газраас ирvvлсэн мэдээлэлд Улсын мал эмнэлгийн лабораторийн шинжилгээний дvнгийн талаар: “Туул голд vхсэн олон загаснаас гуравдугаар сарын 13-нд авсан дээжийг Улсын мал эмнэлгийн лабораторид шинжлvvлэхэд ямар нэгэн нян, євчнєєр vхээгvй ба химийн хорт бодис /цианит натри/-ын илэрц байгаагvй. Голын ус гvехэн байсан тул ихэнх загас мєсєнд барьцалдан хєлдєж, усны урсгал тасарснаас тэжээлийн хомсдолд орсон байна” гэжээ. Загас vхээд байгаагийн шалтгааныг ингэж тайлбарлан сонин дvгнэлт гаргасаар ирсэн. Гэтэл Туулд хятадууд алт угааж байдаг. Шалтгааныг єєр газраас хайх ёстой байсан юм биш vv гэдгийг Байгаль орчин, аялал жуулчлалын яамны шинэхэн сайд Л.Гансvхийн сонорт хvргэе.
Дугаар 228/2988/
Мэдээллийн эх сурвалж:
Хан-Уул дvvргийн нэгдvгээр хорооны нутаг дэвсгэр, Богдхан уулын тусгай хамгаалалттай, Чандмань амны орчим Туул голд хятад иргэд алт угааж байхад нь єнгєрсєн бямба гаригт илрvvлэн харъяа дvvргийн цагдаагийн хэлтэст хvлээлгэн єгсєн.
Хэрэг ямар шатанд явж байгаа талаар тус дvvргийн Цагдаагийн хэлтсийн ахлах мєрдєн байцаагч, ахмад Д.Хєхєєгєєс тодрууллаа.
-Туул голд алт угаасан хэргээр хэчнээн хvнийг байцаан шалгаж байна вэ?
-Долоон хvн саатуулсан. Тэднээс хорихыг нь хориод бvгдийг нь ашигт малтмалын журам зєрчсєн гэсэн зvйл ангиар эрvvгийн хэрэг vvсгээд шалгаж байна.
-Энэ хvмvvс бvгдээрээ “Jamp krown” компанийн ажилчид уу. Хэдэн монгол байсан бэ?
-Ганц хоёр нь л тэндэхийн ажилчин. Бусад нь урдаас ирсэн хєрєнгє оруулагчид гэсэн. Орчуулагч нь гээд нэг монгол байсан.
-Та нарыг газар дээр нь очиход байдал ямар байсан бэ. Хэргийн эцсийн дvгнэлт хэзээ гарах бол?
-Газар дээр нь очоогvй болохоор мэдэхгvй. Єнєєдєр хавтаст хэрэгтэй нь танилцаж байна. Долоо хоногийн дараа дvгнэлт нь гарна даа. Хэрэв мєнгєн ус хэрэглэсэн байвал асуудал vvснэ. Харин хэрэглээгvй бол дараагийн єєр асуудал яригдана. Шороо, уснаас дээж аваад шинжилгээнд єгчихсєн байгаа. Хариу нь гарахад мєнгєн ус хэрэглэсэн vгvй нь мэдэгдэнэ.
Ганц энэ ч биш єнгєрсєн оны зургадугаар сарын 18-нд нийслэлийн Хан-Уул дvvргийн 13 дугаар хороо, Биокомбинат дахь 120 дугаар ангийн ард Туул голд чебак, цурхай, алган, гутаарь, цулбуурт зэвэг зэрэг таван тєрлийн загас vхсэн. Мєн Тєв аймгийн Алтанбулаг сумын нутаг Тавантолгойн гvvр орчим, Салхитын гацаа зэрэг хоёр газраас усны дээж болон таван загас авчирчээ. Уснаас арьс шир боловсруулахад ялгардаг байсан vнэр vнэртэж байсан аж. Загас голынхоо хоёр талаар томоосоо жижиг хvртлээ голын сайран дээр ил гарч муудаж, ємхийрсєн янзтай байж. Голын дагуухь 10 цэгээс сорьц авахад голын усны бохирдол, усанд байх химийн бодисын хэмжээ хэтэрсэн, хvчилтєрєгчийн дутагдлаас болсон гэж мэргэжилтнvvд vзэж байсан. Тєв цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн хуримтлагдсан бохир усны лагын байршлыг тогтоосон мєртлєє цэвэрлэх ажил хийгээгvйгээс Туул голын ус багассан vед бохирдолт нэмэгдэх шалтгаан болжээ. Хоёрдугаарт, нян судлалын шинжилгээгээр vхсэн загаснаас эмгэг тєрєгч нян илэрчээ. Улсын мал эмнэлэг, ариун цэврийн тєв лабораторийн шинжилгээгээр гоц халдварт євчин илрээгvй, бактерлогийн шинжилгээгээр хvчилтєрєгчийн дутагдлаас болж vхсэн гэсэн байна. Нийт 3,2 тонн загасыг мал эмнэлгийн мэргэжилтний заавраар мэргэжлийн хяналтын улсын байцаагчдын хяналтан дор 3,2 тонн загас устгасан билээ.
Харин энэ он гарсаар Баянзvрх товчооны гvvр орчимд Туул голын салаанд гуравдугаар сарын 10-нд, мєн Хан-Уул дvvргийн нутаг дэвсгэр, Богдхан уулын “Чандмань” амны ойролцоох Туул голд дєрєвдvгээр сарын 12-нд олон загас, жараахай vхсэн юм. Туул голд ямар шалтгаанаар загас vй олноороо vхээд байгаа талаар Нийслэлийн мэргэжлийн хяналтын газрынхан “Туулын салааны ус, загас химийн ямар нэгэн бодист хордоогvй, харин усан дахь хvчилтєрєгчийн хомсдлоос болж vхсэн” гэсэн дvгнэлтийг гаргажээ. Онцгой байдлын ерєнхий газраас ирvvлсэн мэдээлэлд Улсын мал эмнэлгийн лабораторийн шинжилгээний дvнгийн талаар: “Туул голд vхсэн олон загаснаас гуравдугаар сарын 13-нд авсан дээжийг Улсын мал эмнэлгийн лабораторид шинжлvvлэхэд ямар нэгэн нян, євчнєєр vхээгvй ба химийн хорт бодис /цианит натри/-ын илэрц байгаагvй. Голын ус гvехэн байсан тул ихэнх загас мєсєнд барьцалдан хєлдєж, усны урсгал тасарснаас тэжээлийн хомсдолд орсон байна” гэжээ. Загас vхээд байгаагийн шалтгааныг ингэж тайлбарлан сонин дvгнэлт гаргасаар ирсэн. Гэтэл Туулд хятадууд алт угааж байдаг. Шалтгааныг єєр газраас хайх ёстой байсан юм биш vv гэдгийг Байгаль орчин, аялал жуулчлалын яамны шинэхэн сайд Л.Гансvхийн сонорт хvргэе.
Дугаар 228/2988/
Мэдээллийн эх сурвалж:
2008-09-22 13:58:01
Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ Doing Business 2009, sponsored by The International Finance Corporation and the World Bank, puts Mongolia 58th, three places down from last year, amongst the world's 181 economies on the overall ease of doing business.
This is the sixth year that the Annual Report has been issued. Doing Business ranks economies based on 10 indicators of business regulations that track the time and cost to meet government requirements in starting and operating a business, trading across borders, paying taxes and closing a business. Singapore leads the global rankings on the overall regulatory ease of doing business for the third consecutive year.
"Mongolia is included among the top 11 countries in East Asia which have made reforms in paying taxes and trading across borders. Documents needed for export were reduced from 10 to 8 and total time reduced by 9 days," the report says.
David W. Lawrence, a Program Manager of the International Finance Corporation, said Mongolia should be proud of its very positive indicators and, even though some indicators had slipped compared to the previous year, this meant the other progress in the country was performing rapidly.
Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ Doing Business 2009, sponsored by The International Finance Corporation and the World Bank, puts Mongolia 58th, three places down from last year, amongst the world's 181 economies on the overall ease of doing business.
This is the sixth year that the Annual Report has been issued. Doing Business ranks economies based on 10 indicators of business regulations that track the time and cost to meet government requirements in starting and operating a business, trading across borders, paying taxes and closing a business. Singapore leads the global rankings on the overall regulatory ease of doing business for the third consecutive year.
"Mongolia is included among the top 11 countries in East Asia which have made reforms in paying taxes and trading across borders. Documents needed for export were reduced from 10 to 8 and total time reduced by 9 days," the report says.
David W. Lawrence, a Program Manager of the International Finance Corporation, said Mongolia should be proud of its very positive indicators and, even though some indicators had slipped compared to the previous year, this meant the other progress in the country was performing rapidly.
The Russian Resurgence and the New-Old Front
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
By Peter Zeihan
Geopolitical Intelligence Report
"Russia is attempting to reforge its Cold War-era influence in its near abroad. This is not simply an issue of nostalgia, but a perfectly logical and predictable reaction to the Russian environment. Russia lacks easily definable, easily defendable borders. There is no redoubt to which the Russians can withdraw, and the only security they know comes from establishing buffers — buffers which tend to be lost in times of crisis. The alternative is for Russia to simply trust other states to leave it alone. Considering Russia’s history of occupations, from the Mongol horde to Napoleonic France to Hitler’s Germany, it is not difficult to surmise why the Russians tend to choose a more activist set of policies.
As such, the country tends to expand and contract like a beating heart — gobbling up nearby territories in times of strength, and then contracting and losing those territories in times of weakness. Rather than what Westerners think of as a traditional nation-state, Russia has always been a multiethnic empire, heavily stocked with non-Russian (and even non-Orthodox) minorities. Keeping those minorities from damaging central control requires a strong internal security and intelligence arm, and hence we get the Cheka, the KGB, and now the FSB.
Nature of the Budding Conflict
Combine a security policy thoroughly wedded to expansion with an internal stabilization policy that institutionalizes terror, and it is understandable why most of Russia’s neighbors do not like Moscow very much. A fair portion of Western history revolves around the formation and shifting of coalitions to manage Russian insecurities.
In the American case specifically, the issue is one of continental control. The United States is the only country in the world that effectively controls an entire continent. Mexico and Canada have been sufficiently intimidated so that they can operate independently only in a very limited sense. (Technically, Australia controls a continent, but with the some 85 percent of its territory unusable, it is more accurate in geopolitical terms to think of it as a small archipelago with some very long bridges.) This grants the United States not only a potentially massive internal market, but also the ability to project power without the fear of facing rearguard security threats. U.S. forces can be focused almost entirely on offensive operations, whereas potential competitors in Eurasia must constantly be on their guard about the neighbors.
The only thing that could threaten U.S. security would be the rise of a Eurasian continental hegemon. For the past 60 years, Russia (or the Soviet Union) has been the only entity that has had a chance of achieving that, largely due to its geographic reach. U.S. strategy for coping with this is simple: containment, or the creation of a network of allies to hedge in Russian political, economic and military expansion. NATO is the most obvious manifestation of this policy imperative, while the Sino-Soviet split is the most dramatic one.
Containment requires that United States counter Russian expansionism at every turn, crafting a new coalition wherever Russia attempts to break out of the strategic ring, and if necessary committing direct U.S. forces to the effort. The Korean and Vietnam wars — both traumatic periods in American history — were manifestations of this effort, as were the Berlin airlift and the backing of Islamist militants in Afghanistan (who incidentally went on to form al Qaeda).
The Georgian war in August was simply the first effort by a resurging Russia to pulse out, expand its security buffer and, ideally, in the Kremlin’s plans, break out of the post-Cold War noose that other powers have tied. The Americans (and others) will react as they did during the Cold War: by building coalitions to constrain Russian expansion. In Europe, the challenges will be to keep the Germans on board and to keep NATO cohesive. In the Caucasus, the United States will need to deftly manage its Turkish alliance and find a means of engaging Iran. In China and Japan, economic conflicts will undoubtedly take a backseat to security cooperation.
Russia and the United States will struggle in all of these areas, consisting as they do the Russian borderlands. Most of the locations will feel familiar, as Russia’s near abroad has been Russia’s near abroad for nearly 300 years. Those locations — the Baltics, Austria, Ukraine, Serbia, Turkey, Central Asia and Mongolia — that defined Russia’s conflicts in times gone by will surface again. Such is the tapestry of history: the major powers seeking advantage in the same places over and over again.
The New Old-Front
But not all of those fronts are in Eurasia. So long as U.S. power projection puts the Russians on the defensive, it is only a matter of time before something along the cordon cracks and the Russians are either fighting a land war or facing a local insurrection. Russia must keep U.S. efforts dispersed and captured by events as far away from the Russian periphery as possible — preferably where Russian strengths can exploit American weakness.
So where is that?
Geography dictates that U.S. strength involves coalition building based on mutual interest and long-range force projection, and internal U.S. harmony is such that America’s intelligence and security agencies have no need to shine. Unlike Russia, the United States does not have large, unruly, resentful, conquered populations to keep in line. In contrast, recall that the multiethnic nature of the Russian state requires a powerful security and intelligence apparatus. No place better reflects Russia’s intelligence strengths and America’s intelligence weakness than Latin America.
The United States faces no traditional security threats in its backyard. South America is in essence a hollow continent, populated only on the edges and thus lacking a deep enough hinterland to ever coalesce into a single hegemonic power. Central America and southern Mexico are similarly fractured, primarily due to rugged terrain. Northern Mexico (like Canada) is too economically dependent upon the United States to seriously consider anything more vibrant than ideological hostility toward Washington. Faced with this kind of local competition, the United States simply does not worry too much about the rest of the Western Hemisphere — except when someone comes to visit.
Stretching back to the time of the Monroe Doctrine, Washington’s Latin American policy has been very simple. The United States does not feel threatened by any local power, but it feels inordinately threatened by any Eastern Hemispheric power that could ally with a local entity. Latin American entities cannot greatly harm American interests themselves, but they can be used as fulcrums by hostile states further abroad to strike at the core of the United States’ power: its undisputed command of North America.
It is a fairly straightforward exercise to predict where Russian activity will reach its deepest. One only needs to revisit Cold War history. Future Russian efforts can be broken down into three broad categories: naval interdiction, drug facilitation and direct territorial challenge.
Naval Interdiction
Naval interdiction represents the longest sustained fear of American policymakers. Among the earliest U.S. foreign efforts after securing the mainland was asserting control over the various waterways used for approaching North America. Key in this American geopolitical imperative is the neutralization of Cuba. All the naval power-projection capabilities in the world mean very little if Cuba is both hostile and serving as a basing ground for an extra-hemispheric power.
The U.S. Gulf Coast is not only the heart of the country’s energy industry, but the body of water that allows the United States to function as a unified polity and economy. The Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi river basins all drain to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico. The economic strength of these basins depends upon access to oceanic shipping. A hostile power in Cuba could fairly easily seal both the Straits of Florida and the Yucatan Channel, reducing the Gulf of Mexico to little more than a lake.
Building on the idea of naval interdiction, there is another key asset the Soviets targeted at which the Russians are sure to attempt a reprise: the Panama Canal. For both economic and military reasons, it is enormously convenient to not have to sail around the Americas, especially because U.S. economic and military power is based on maritime power and access. In the Cold War, the Soviets established friendly relations with Nicaragua and arranged for a favorable political evolution on the Caribbean island of Grenada. Like Cuba, these two locations are of dubious importance by themselves. But take them together — and add in a Soviet air base at each location as well as in Cuba — and there is a triangle of Soviet airpower that can threaten access to the Panama Canal.
Drug Facilitation
The next stage — drug facilitation — is somewhat trickier. South America is a wide and varying land with very little to offer Russian interests. Most of the states are commodity providers, much like the Soviet Union was and Russia is today, so they are seen as economic competitors. Politically, they are useful as anti-American bastions, so the Kremlin encourages such behavior whenever possible. But even if every country in South America were run by anti-American governments, it would not overly concern Washington; these states, alone or en masse, lack the ability to threaten American interests … in all ways but one.
The drug trade undermines American society from within, generating massive costs for social stability, law enforcement, the health system and trade. During the Cold War, the Soviets dabbled with narcotics producers and smugglers, from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to the highland coca farmers of Bolivia. It is not so much that the Soviets encouraged the drug trade directly, but that they encouraged any group they saw as ideologically useful.
Stratfor expects future Russian involvement in such activities to eclipse those of the past. After the Soviet fall, many FSB agents were forced to find new means to financially support themselves. (Remember it was not until 1999 that Vladimir Putin took over the Russian government and began treating Russian intelligence like a bona fide state asset again.) The Soviet fall led many FSB agents, who already possessed more than a passing familiarity with things such as smuggling and organized crime, directly into the heart of such activities. Most of those agents are — formally or not — back in the service of the Russian government, now with a decade of gritty experience on the less savory side of intelligence under their belts. And they now have a deeply personal financial interest in the outcome of future operations.
Drug groups do not need cash from the Russians, but they do need weaponry and a touch of training — needs which dovetail perfectly with the Russians’ strengths. Obviously, Russian state involvement in such areas will be far from overt; it just does not do to ship weapons to the FARC or to one side of the brewing Bolivian civil war with CNN watching. But this is a challenge the Russians are good at meeting. One of Russia’s current deputy prime ministers, Igor Sechin, was the USSR’s point man for weapons smuggling to much of Latin America and the Middle East. This really is old hat for them.
U.S. Stability
Finally, there is the issue of direct threats to U.S. stability, and this point rests solely on Mexico. With more than 100 million people, a growing economy and Atlantic and Pacific ports, Mexico is the only country in the Western Hemisphere that could theoretically (which is hardly to say inevitably) threaten U.S. dominance in North America. During the Cold War, Russian intelligence gave Mexico more than its share of jolts in efforts to cause chronic problems for the United States. In fact, the Mexico City KGB station was, and remains today, the biggest in the world. The Mexico City riots of 1968 were in part Soviet-inspired, and while ultimately unsuccessful at overthrowing the Mexican government, they remain a testament to the reach of Soviet intelligence. The security problems that would be created by the presence of a hostile state the size of Mexico on the southern U.S. border are as obvious as they would be dangerous.
As with involvement in drug activities, which incidentally are likely to overlap in Mexico, Stratfor expects Russia to be particularly active in destabilizing Mexico in the years ahead. But while an anti-American state is still a Russian goal, it is not their only option. The Mexican drug cartels have reached such strength that the Mexican government’s control over large portions of the country is an open question. Failure of the Mexican state is something that must be considered even before the Russians get involved. And simply doing with the Mexican cartels what the Soviets once did with anti-American militant groups the world over could suffice to tip the balance.
In many regards, Mexico as a failed state would be a worse result for Washington than a hostile united Mexico. A hostile Mexico could be intimidated, sanctioned or even invaded, effectively browbeaten into submission. But a failed Mexico would not restrict the drug trade at all. The border would be chaos, and the implications of that go well beyond drugs. One of the United States’ largest trading partners could well devolve into a seething anarchy that could not help but leak into the U.S. proper.
Whether Mexico becomes staunchly anti-American or devolves into the violent chaos of a failed state does not matter much to the Russians. Either one would threaten the United States with a staggering problem that no amount of resources could quickly or easily fix. And the Russians right now are shopping around for staggering problems with which to threaten the United States.
In terms of cost-benefit analysis, all of these options are no-brainers. Threatening naval interdiction simply requires a few jets. Encouraging the drug trade can be done with a few weapons shipments. Destabilizing a country just requires some creativity. However, countering such activities requires a massive outlay of intelligence and military assets — often into areas that are politically and militarily hostile, if not outright inaccessible. In many ways, this is containment in reverse.
Old Opportunities, New Twists
In Nicaragua, President Daniel Ortega has proven so enthusiastic in his nostalgia for Cold War alignments that Nicaragua has already recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the two territories in the former Soviet state (and U.S. ally) of Georgia that Russia went to war to protect. That makes Nicaragua the only country in the world other than Russia to recognize the breakaway regions. Moscow is quite obviously pleased — and was undoubtedly working the system behind the scenes.
In Bolivia, President Evo Morales is attempting to rewrite the laws that govern his country’s wealth distribution in favor of his poor supporters in the indigenous highlands. Now, a belt of conflict separates those highlands, which are roughly centered at the pro-Morales city of Cochabamba, from the wealthier, more Europeanized lowlands. A civil war is brewing — a conflict that is just screaming for outside interference, as similar fights did during the Cold War. It is likely only a matter of time before the headlines become splattered with pictures of Kalashnikov-wielding Cochabambinos decrying American imperialism.
Yet while the winds of history are blowing in the same old channels, there certainly are variations on the theme. The Mexican cartels, for one, were radically weaker beasts the last time around, and their current strength and disruptive capabilities present the Russians with new options.
So does Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a man so anti-American he seems to be even a few steps ahead of Kremlin propagandists. In recent days, Chavez has already hosted long-range Russian strategic bombers and evicted the U.S. ambassador. A glance at a map indicates that Venezuela is a far superior basing point than Grenada for threatening the Panama Canal. Additionally, Chavez’s Venezuela has already indicated both its willingness to get militarily involved in the Bolivian conflict and its willingness to act as a weapons smuggler via links to the FARC — and that without any heretofore detected Russian involvement. The opportunities for smuggling networks — both old and new — using Venezuela as a base are robust.
Not all changes since the Cold War are good for Russia, however. Cuba is not as blindly pro-Russian as it once was. While Russian hurricane aid to Cuba is a bid to reopen old doors, the Cubans are noticeably hesitant. Between the ailing of Fidel Castro and the presence of the world’s largest market within spitting distance, the emerging Cuban regime is not going to reflexively side with the Russians for peanuts. In Soviet times, Cuba traded massive Soviet subsidies in exchange for its allegiance. A few planeloads of hurricane aid simply won’t pay the bills in Havana, and it is still unclear how much money the Russians are willing to come up with.
There is also the question of Brazil. Long gone is the dysfunctional state; Brazil is now an emerging industrial powerhouse with an energy company, Petroleo Brasileiro, of skill levels that outshine anything the Russians have yet conquered in that sphere. While Brazilian rhetoric has always claimed that Brazil was just about to come of age, it now happens to be true. A rising Brazil is feeling its strength and tentatively pushing its influence into the border states of Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia, as well as into regional rivals Venezuela and Argentina. Russian intervention tends to appeal to those who do not feel they have meaningful control over their own neighborhoods. Brazil no longer fits into that category, and it will not appreciate Russia’s mucking around in its neighborhood.
A few weeks ago, Stratfor published a piece detailing how U.S. involvement in the Iraq war was winding to a close. We received many comments from readers applauding our optimism. We are afraid that we were misinterpreted. “New” does not mean “bright” or “better,” but simply different. And the dawning struggle in Latin America is an example of the sort of “different” that the United States can look forward to in the years ahead. Buckle up."
Brief Introduction
National Green Movement of Mongolia has been initiated and founded by Green Coalition on the date of December 1, 2006 as a civil protest agaisnt human healthy living environment rights voilation, absence of the effective government ecological policies as well as widespread ecological terror by the corrupt government. Officially NGMM got it’s sertificate and stamp from the authorities on February 7, 2007.
NGMM Completed Projects
1. Air pollution as government policy
As a result of our struggle againist air pollution in the Ulaanbaatar city the govenrment finally recognised that “Air pollution reached the level of a disaster”. We have initiated a land-accomodation exchange program, which is now being being discussed and is about to be implemented on the government level.
TV-25 channel has been broadcasting UB city air pollution constantly from January through March, 2007 at an initiative and order of the NGMM. We are planning to introduce ‘Smog Alarm’ program. NGMM has organized a number of peaceful protest against air pollution by distribution respiratory masks within the population. The actions cought an attention and support ampongst the population.
2. ‘Khongor’ of a Fight Against Irresponsible Mining “Gold” Programme.
NGMM was the first civil movement visited Khongor and announced an alarm to the society. We were the first to interview citizens of Khongor and the first to bring experts and doctors to survey people and animal victims of the chemical poisoning while documenting in the Khongor sum, Darkhan-uul aimag. NGMM has organized 8 press-confences and 5 demostrations defending the interests and rights of the Khongor poisoning victims, requesting financial reimbursement for the Khongor victims as well as introducing local and international mass media about the Khongor disaster. NGMM sent requests to Parliament, President and the Government of Mongolia a number of times. Ecological terrorism of Khongor has been named one of the top three disasters of Mongolia in 2007. Still, the government of Mongolia has not recognised the Khongor disaster until the moment.
The NGMM has struggling agaist ‘Iiresponsible Gold’ program. NGMM in colaboration with Mongolian Democratic Movement (MDM) and Civil Justice Movement (CJM) has conducted 4 press-conferences, reveiling serious facts and figures to the public.
There were many cases of mercury and other toxic chemicals discoveries in the Ulaanbaatar city lately, mainly related to Chinese nationals and Chinese businesses. In the protest of the abovementioned NGMM has organised an petition signed by 256 citizen collected in two hours of protesting in front of the Chinese Embassy. The signed petition was officially handed to the Chines Embassy. We have requested China to adopt a special act prohibiting toxic chemicals and other toxic materials export from China into Mongolia. NGMM has expressed a position that Governments of the two countries are capable of cooperating in breaking down the secret network for smugling toxic chemicals into Mongolia.
NGMM has sent it’s delegates to the 2-nd Congress of the Global Greens and made a report about disastruoa ecological consequences of “Gold” programme in Mongolia as well as on Khongor disaster. NGMM has joined global anti-gold network.
3. 75% of the green coverage of the UB city has been removed.
- The secret decision was made by the Parliament’s State Standing Committee for removal of the green garden on the north of the Government House for the purposes of building a New Parliamnet House. This decision was abolished as a result of uncoring and bringing up to the public as well as protests and demostrations byt he NGMM. The only city green garden with more than 60 year-history in the whole UB city was saved.
Another green garden was saved by NGMM in the territory of the Khan-Uul district. The area was already occupied by the Altai construction Co, Ltd. For the construction developments. NGMM reached abolishing the decision by the Offcie of Major of the city.
NGMM is struggling to stop developments planned by Puma construction on the banks of the Tuul river, unlawfully appropriated by Puma, in collaboration with the other ecological movements.
4. Fight for human rights and political rights
2008 parliamentarian election in Mongolia was widely fraudulent, the rulers have suppressed legal rights of the civilians and a totalitarian sytem is coming back. In opposition and in protest against the said Ms.A.Saruul, Leader of National Green Movement of Mongolia and Mr.G.Arslan, Head, Just Society Front have decleared a Slient-strike for which they have been arrested by the government for two weeks.
5. “Green Activist of the Year” Prize Intiative
“Green Activist of the Year” Prize has been initiated by the NGMM. The first prize-giving ceremony was held in 2007 and 5 politicians and 13 journalists were nominated.
Further plans.
To organize a NGO for the victims of the ‘Gold’ programme
To form a Civil Rights Center for citizens, whose politial rights were suppressed.
Name of the Center: Green SOS center for Human Rights
Leader, Mongolian National Green Movement
Agvaandorj SARUUL (Doctor Phil.)
National Green Movement of Mongolia has been initiated and founded by Green Coalition on the date of December 1, 2006 as a civil protest agaisnt human healthy living environment rights voilation, absence of the effective government ecological policies as well as widespread ecological terror by the corrupt government. Officially NGMM got it’s sertificate and stamp from the authorities on February 7, 2007.
NGMM Completed Projects
1. Air pollution as government policy
As a result of our struggle againist air pollution in the Ulaanbaatar city the govenrment finally recognised that “Air pollution reached the level of a disaster”. We have initiated a land-accomodation exchange program, which is now being being discussed and is about to be implemented on the government level.
TV-25 channel has been broadcasting UB city air pollution constantly from January through March, 2007 at an initiative and order of the NGMM. We are planning to introduce ‘Smog Alarm’ program. NGMM has organized a number of peaceful protest against air pollution by distribution respiratory masks within the population. The actions cought an attention and support ampongst the population.
2. ‘Khongor’ of a Fight Against Irresponsible Mining “Gold” Programme.
NGMM was the first civil movement visited Khongor and announced an alarm to the society. We were the first to interview citizens of Khongor and the first to bring experts and doctors to survey people and animal victims of the chemical poisoning while documenting in the Khongor sum, Darkhan-uul aimag. NGMM has organized 8 press-confences and 5 demostrations defending the interests and rights of the Khongor poisoning victims, requesting financial reimbursement for the Khongor victims as well as introducing local and international mass media about the Khongor disaster. NGMM sent requests to Parliament, President and the Government of Mongolia a number of times. Ecological terrorism of Khongor has been named one of the top three disasters of Mongolia in 2007. Still, the government of Mongolia has not recognised the Khongor disaster until the moment.
The NGMM has struggling agaist ‘Iiresponsible Gold’ program. NGMM in colaboration with Mongolian Democratic Movement (MDM) and Civil Justice Movement (CJM) has conducted 4 press-conferences, reveiling serious facts and figures to the public.
There were many cases of mercury and other toxic chemicals discoveries in the Ulaanbaatar city lately, mainly related to Chinese nationals and Chinese businesses. In the protest of the abovementioned NGMM has organised an petition signed by 256 citizen collected in two hours of protesting in front of the Chinese Embassy. The signed petition was officially handed to the Chines Embassy. We have requested China to adopt a special act prohibiting toxic chemicals and other toxic materials export from China into Mongolia. NGMM has expressed a position that Governments of the two countries are capable of cooperating in breaking down the secret network for smugling toxic chemicals into Mongolia.
NGMM has sent it’s delegates to the 2-nd Congress of the Global Greens and made a report about disastruoa ecological consequences of “Gold” programme in Mongolia as well as on Khongor disaster. NGMM has joined global anti-gold network.
3. 75% of the green coverage of the UB city has been removed.
- The secret decision was made by the Parliament’s State Standing Committee for removal of the green garden on the north of the Government House for the purposes of building a New Parliamnet House. This decision was abolished as a result of uncoring and bringing up to the public as well as protests and demostrations byt he NGMM. The only city green garden with more than 60 year-history in the whole UB city was saved.
Another green garden was saved by NGMM in the territory of the Khan-Uul district. The area was already occupied by the Altai construction Co, Ltd. For the construction developments. NGMM reached abolishing the decision by the Offcie of Major of the city.
NGMM is struggling to stop developments planned by Puma construction on the banks of the Tuul river, unlawfully appropriated by Puma, in collaboration with the other ecological movements.
4. Fight for human rights and political rights
2008 parliamentarian election in Mongolia was widely fraudulent, the rulers have suppressed legal rights of the civilians and a totalitarian sytem is coming back. In opposition and in protest against the said Ms.A.Saruul, Leader of National Green Movement of Mongolia and Mr.G.Arslan, Head, Just Society Front have decleared a Slient-strike for which they have been arrested by the government for two weeks.
5. “Green Activist of the Year” Prize Intiative
“Green Activist of the Year” Prize has been initiated by the NGMM. The first prize-giving ceremony was held in 2007 and 5 politicians and 13 journalists were nominated.
Further plans.
To organize a NGO for the victims of the ‘Gold’ programme
To form a Civil Rights Center for citizens, whose politial rights were suppressed.
Name of the Center: Green SOS center for Human Rights
Leader, Mongolian National Green Movement
Agvaandorj SARUUL (Doctor Phil.)
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Нийтэлсэн: 2008-09-22 14:20:10 , Мэдээний дугаар: #1136716
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Энэ хэрэгтэй холбоотой 18 хvнийг Хятадын цагдаа нар баривчилжээ. Хамгийн анх Хятадын Санлу Групп меламин химийн хорт бодисыг хvvхдийн сvvнд хэрэглэсэн нь тогтоодсон бол дараа нь “Yili” болон нийт 22 компани хэрэглэсэн нь тогтоогдсон юм. Эдгээр компаниудын хоёр нь Бангладеш, Еймен, Габон, Бирм зэрэг улсуудад сvvгээ экспортолдог байна.
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Орчуулгын эх сурвалж: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7623037.stm
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